"We are rich only through what we give, and poor only through what we refuse."

Anne-Sophie Swetchine

Monday, May 16, 2011

What's on your Shelf?

The Epic of Gilgamesh- an ancient text +4000 yrs old
If our bookshelves are a collection of our knowledge and experiences, then each of us should have walls of books beyond our homes. My siblings are always chuckling and teasing me about the things that I hold onto, sometimes without consciously thinking about it. Point in suit, I had old text books from my first science degree on my bookshelves up until last week.

It wasn't that I would eventually reread those textbooks. Genetics, organic chemistry and medical sociology are not a common subject matter in my day to day conversations. I thought about why I held onto them for such a long time. Moved them from place to place only to crack them open on occasion and to dust them off. I know now I kept those textbooks to remind me that I did study these subjects and at one time did know this information well. I do find myself using my science knowledge from time to time....especially during 'Jeopardy'!

Do you keep books to reread or just to remind yourself of what you've read? What's on your bookshelf? Right now I'm reading, "The Brain That Changes Itself." Fascinating!

Some of my books are a collection of my passions in life, sailing, photography, art and design. Other books are of my travels. Where I've been and where I want to go....Then there are the novels, how to do books and the sketch books and journals. These ones are the keepers!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Born This Way


Years before Lady Gaga belted this tune on the airwaves this was one of my Mother's favorite wise sayings. When my first nephew was born she noticed how he was so particular about certain things. How he liked his blanket, it had to be certain way one side specifically facing him. She often said that about me!

Today and everyday I'm so grateful for the lessons that my Mother has taught me. I see her lessons repeated in my nephews as I watch them grow up. My sisters and I have all chuckled at our 'born identity' and how we have adopted so many of our Mother's traits.

Salt of the Earth

My Mother is the salt of the earth. 
'The salt of the earth' was first published in English in Chaucer's Summoner's Tale, circa 1386, although Chaucer undoubtedly took his lead from Latin versions of the Bible:
"Ye been the salt of the erthe and the savour"

The Chinese character for heart always makes me smile. It looks like a smiling face. My Mother has a great sense of humor and makes me smile.

To forget one's ancestor's is to be a brook without a source, a tree without root

Selfless passionate soul. Proud to call you my Mom! In honor of Mother's Day we celebrate all Mother's and the wonderful lessons they share with us with all of their children!