"We are rich only through what we give, and poor only through what we refuse."

Anne-Sophie Swetchine

Friday, March 30, 2012

Older Geniuses

I love this picture of Einstein because it reminds me of my 90+ yr old Grandmother who we used to ask to stick out her tongue too!

Einstein: "A person who has not made his great contribution to science before the age of 30 will never do so." Gosh, when I read this I thought my best days were behind me. Einstein had discovered that matter was transmutable to energy with his famous equation E = mc2 which helped lay the foundations of quantum theory by that age as evidence for his claim.

However, recent researchers have decided that peak age has shifted considerably with 48 being prime time for physicists.

I took physics in high school and first year in college but have never been overtly physics minded. How about creative geniuses?

Here is a test for you to check out your level of creativity:

Do you …
  • HAVE THE COURAGE to try new things and risk failure now and then? Every big breakthrough starts as a harebrained idea.
  • USE INTUITION as well as logic to make decisions and produce ideas? You can’t always rely on logic. You have to listen to your gut, too. It follows its own logic.
  • LIKE TO PLAY, laugh, and have fun? In many ways, these are the ultimate creative acts.
  • SHARE YOUR FEELINGS and express your thoughts? People who are in touch with themselves tend to be in touch with others.
  • FIND ORDER IN CHAOS and look for hidden meaning? Creative people see patterns in what to others appears to be irrelevant information.
  • GET MOTIVATED BY A TASK rather than by external rewards? If you’re just in it for the money, you’re not going to be a fountain of new ideas.
  • FIND SOLUTIONS to challenging problems? If you always have a ready answer, you’ve stopped thinking and creating.
  • CHALLENGE ASSUMPTIONS and ask hard questions? Creative people are persistent skeptics, taking what others believe with a grain of salt.
  • MAKE CONNECTIONS between old ideas to produce new insights? Sometimes the best solutions are simply two old ideas jammed together.
  • PUSH THE ENVELOPE in order to expand the boundaries of what is possible? Instead of dividing the world into the possible and impossible, it’s better to merely divide it into the tried and the untried.
  • TEST NEW IDEAS and enjoy competing with others? Creative people don’t mind losing, but they love winning and proving themselves.
These are not the only traits creative people share. But they’re some of the most important.

Here's an interesting way to do math:

There's still hope for us yet!!

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