"We are rich only through what we give, and poor only through what we refuse."

Anne-Sophie Swetchine

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Invisible Heroes and Heroines

I was out with a very good friend of mine today, who reminded me of a book that was quite popular a couple of years back, called, " The Five People You Meet in Heaven," by Mitch Albom.  The novel is a chronicle of the main character's meeting of about 5 people in heaven who were pivatol in his life. People come and go in our lives every day.

Sometimes you don't even realize the impact of your words, kindness or effect of your presence in someone's life. I thought about who my Fab Five would include and I know there have been many more than 5 influential people in my life.

Walk On
I attended a U2 concert this week and like the first one I attended in Vancouver the Joshua tree this one was full of soul, heart and inspiration. I was moved by the lyrics, melodic melodies and of course the band. I always found that they sang songs that bled from their souls and with such depth.

I have so many favorite songs from U2 but the one that hit deep this week was Walk On (from their 2000 album, All That You Can't Leave Behind).  The song was written about Aung San Suu Kyi, a Burmese activist who was sentenced to house arrest in 1989 for protesting her government. Earlier that year, while walking with some of her supporters, soldiers blocked their path and pointed rifles at them. Suu Kyi kept walking, despite orders to stop. The soldiers threatened to shoot her, but didn't. Her actions have been closely monitored by the government, but she remains an influential leader and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991. She was released and freed in 2010.

Carry On Luggage
The only baggage that you can bring is all that you can't leave behind. There are so many people that I know who have 'good hearts,' who always strive to do the right thing, working with what they have and doing the best with what they've got. These are everyday 'invisible heroes and heroines' that I admire. They are the underdogs, the unpretentious, the unsung superstars.

Sure there are people that I know in this world who just want to be rich. Others want the fame. For me, it's not about wanting to be rich, I'll leave that for someone else.

I'll end this post with one more favorite from this album, the first time I heard this song I was captivated, I think this is a brilliant tune - under appreciated! Just close your eyes and listen to the song the video doesn't do it justice. It's a happy song!


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