"We are rich only through what we give, and poor only through what we refuse."

Anne-Sophie Swetchine

Saturday, July 16, 2011

L Versus

Mosquitoes and Listerine
In the last few weeks, mosquitoes have taken over the outdoors! There is little relief if you like to spend any time outdoors. The weather has been spectacular the last few days and I've resorted to a concoction of Listerine...yup...Listerine which I would never use as a mouthwash cause it's yucky but is a wonderful repellent for skeeters.

Listerine has Eucalyptol which is a derivative of Eucalyptus oil, a natural repellent that is often found in natural repellents on the market.

I did think about using oil of lemon as well, but I didn't want to smell like sunlight detergent. There was always the option of using garlic... it keeps the vampires away too!

Here is a link that I followed for a solution to spray on the deck.

L versus...
When I was in 8th grade we read an amazing story called, "Leiningen Versus the Ants" by Carl Stephenson. It is a classic short story that was published in the December 1938. I didn't know it was published so long ago, but the story made a strong impression on me when I was growing up. Leiningen never gave up...he defended his house to the end and was innovative in creating ways to fight off the ants.

For the last 48 hours I've felt a little bit like Leiningen, perhaps, not to the extent of the war or battle that he fought but it was my own combat. Trying to figure out how these flying red ants were getting into my home. Wondering where, which crack or crevice they had made into a freeway to my home. Using a vinegar solution to wash out their trails for future ants to follow. Checking the yard for ant condos or new constructions underway. My CSI skills were in full force!

Today I contacted an exterminator for some professional help. She said that the bugs were extra resilient this year and everyone...EVERYONE was fighting a similar war with bugs and stuff. Maybe I'll sleep better now. Time for some ant music....

Spiderman and other Tales

Rock on...
Over 15 years ago, I started rock climbing, I took the courses, learned the knots....and loved it! Climbing is a physical and mental challenge, it taps into your strength, endurance, agility and balance.  Then work took over, and it was all about indoor climbing from then on.  I forgot all about outdoor climbing until a weekend in Jasper.

WOW, it was MAGNIFICIENT! I remember when I first started climbing it felt like re-experiencing what toddlers must experience when they crawl around. You just become so tuned into the surfaces and subtle pockets and holds that seem invisible just a foot away is suddenly so clear and obvious! Stick! Go!

Climbing challenges you to make decisions, to plunge ahead and dynamo! It's a good training ground to expand your horizons and try new things! I've been on a new adventure!

Spiderman School
My little nephew has always been a climber. He used to hang off of the pedestal sink in the bathroom when he was just learning to stand and he instantly gravitates to jungle gyms. Lately, he's been focused on going to Spiderman school which my sister promised him when he became a 'big boy!' Well, he's wearing his big boy pants now and R and I will probably take him out when he's older.

Right now he has absolutely no fear! I asked him on the weekend what he needed for spiderman school and in his cute little voice he said, "a suit and a mask!" Then I added, " I think you'll need a harness and a helmet too!" He said I don't need a "hell-mitt, that's for bikin'" I smiled and can't wait to take him out....first, I have to find a full body harness for my little superhero!

Free Falling always reminds me of rock climbing because I went to a climbing tournament and this was one of the songs they played over and over.....

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Foods Sans Water

It's not about creating an emergency food supply or flipping over the  latest, raw food diet. It's not even about getting 5-10 servings of fruit and vegetables in every day. It's rediscovering Mom and Dad's dehydrator...and what a joy it is!

I've been looking at all the wonderful things that can be dehydrated and my favs are still the fruits. Strawberry chips! Especially, mangoes!

I've also made beef jerky and potato chips! I'm on a mission to discover some new foods to bring on hiking trips that are nutritious and delicious! Open for your ideas and recipes if you have some to share!

Time Well Spent
I was thinking back to when we ran outdoor education courses and had kids look at what they would spend their time at if they were in a survival situation.

What order would you prioritize your needs in a survival mode?
Choices:   Water  food  shelter   First Aid  fire

Remember the Rule of 3's
This is 3 minutes without air, 3 hours shelter and  fire. 3 days without water, and so on, applying to many different aspects. In reality, a person could go for about 2 to 3 weeks without food, but that is only until (at the end of the 3rd week or so) they will die due to starvation.

Order survival priorities:
  1. Attend to First Aid concerns.
  2. Build shelter.
  3. Build a fire.
  4. Locate water.
  5. Locate food.