"We are rich only through what we give, and poor only through what we refuse."

Anne-Sophie Swetchine

Saturday, July 16, 2011

L Versus

Mosquitoes and Listerine
In the last few weeks, mosquitoes have taken over the outdoors! There is little relief if you like to spend any time outdoors. The weather has been spectacular the last few days and I've resorted to a concoction of Listerine...yup...Listerine which I would never use as a mouthwash cause it's yucky but is a wonderful repellent for skeeters.

Listerine has Eucalyptol which is a derivative of Eucalyptus oil, a natural repellent that is often found in natural repellents on the market.

I did think about using oil of lemon as well, but I didn't want to smell like sunlight detergent. There was always the option of using garlic... it keeps the vampires away too!

Here is a link that I followed for a solution to spray on the deck.

L versus...
When I was in 8th grade we read an amazing story called, "Leiningen Versus the Ants" by Carl Stephenson. It is a classic short story that was published in the December 1938. I didn't know it was published so long ago, but the story made a strong impression on me when I was growing up. Leiningen never gave up...he defended his house to the end and was innovative in creating ways to fight off the ants.

For the last 48 hours I've felt a little bit like Leiningen, perhaps, not to the extent of the war or battle that he fought but it was my own combat. Trying to figure out how these flying red ants were getting into my home. Wondering where, which crack or crevice they had made into a freeway to my home. Using a vinegar solution to wash out their trails for future ants to follow. Checking the yard for ant condos or new constructions underway. My CSI skills were in full force!

Today I contacted an exterminator for some professional help. She said that the bugs were extra resilient this year and everyone...EVERYONE was fighting a similar war with bugs and stuff. Maybe I'll sleep better now. Time for some ant music....

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