"We are rich only through what we give, and poor only through what we refuse."

Anne-Sophie Swetchine

Monday, August 29, 2011

Compassion Passion

We are moved when we see someone hurting, suffering, or feel compassion for people we don't know at all. We have seen evidence of people who will risk their lives for others, for another living creature or for someone they hardly know at all. The seed of kindness and compassion is hardwired in us all.

Reaching out and connecting with our others is how we will survive. Nurturing our relationships that provide emotional and physical well-being brings deeper meaning to our lives.

Cooperation, collaboration and compassion is also the basis for survival of other species in nature.

The out pour of emotion and compassion for Jack Layton from Canadians this past week has been is insurmountable. We believed in his dream, his honestly and passion. I was moved by his compassion.

We are not judged by what we do, where you've been,...what you own or where we live. We will be remembered by our compassion, our relationships and our humanity.

Sometimes you hear about something or meet someone who makes you re-think what you do or what you know. In our society, competition, getting ahead, is the message for success. Real success not about competition but about compassion. In nature, species who collaborate and cooperate are the species who succeed.

A very cool video from my good friend L:

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Surfing for your Soul

When I was flying back a few weeks back I caught 'Soul Surfer' on the plane. I had wanted to see this flick but not one wanted to see it with me. They said, 'girl surfer goes surfing, loses arm to shark, gets back on board, surfs again....don't need to go see it!" Anyhow, I did enjoy it and it was the start of a surfing movie marathon!

I just saw 'Northshore' and even though it's a bit dated (1987), the story line weak, it features some of the best surfers. Okay, I admit, it was full of cheese!!

I chuckled at the surfer neon gear but loved the idea of making a board and learning to surf. I'm totally amped about the art and the design of boards. It also made mention of understanding or reading a wave, (part science, part art) which is also in a book I'm reading called 'The Wave' by Susan Casey.

Another film I saw again was 'Blue Crush'...LOVED this film! It was GREAT!

Here is a link for some surfology!


Surfer movies....aaahhhhh!

Here's 'Surf City' with a Flintstone clip. I used to rush home at lunch just to watch the Flintstones and back to school...those were the days!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Flexed Arm Hang

The Fitness Test
When I was in grade school we would annually do this Canadian Fitness test and I always struggled with the flexed arm hang section. It's also the name of a band that my print making instructor played in.

I'll have to find a bar to 'test' my flexed arm hang abilities but I did find another test.

After a few weeks away on a fantastic vacay of hiking, climbing and relaxation I'm back sitting at my job day in and day out. Trying to keep the fitness up!

Tonight I decided I would get back into fitness and tried a number of self tests. I'm in the 'good' level for this one (military style)...whew!

Pushups for Men and Women
How many can you do? Men should use the standard "military style" pushup position with only the hands and the toes touching the floor. Women have the additional option of using the "bent knee" position. To do this, kneel on the floor, hands on either side of the chest and keep your back straight. Do as many push ups as possible until exhaustion. Count the total number of pushups performed. Use the chart below to find out how you rate.

Push Up Test (Men)
> 56
> 47
> 41
> 34
> 31
> 30
Good 47-56 39-47 34-41 28-34 25-31 24-30
Above average 35-46 30-39 25-33 21-28 18-24 17-23
Average 19-34 17-29 13-24 11-20 9-17 6-16
Below average 11-18 10-16 8-12 6-10 5-8 3-5
Poor 4-10 4-9 2-7 1-5 1-4 1-2
Very Poor < 4 < 4 < 2 0 0 0

Push Up Test (Women)
Age 17-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-65
Excellent > 35 > 36 > 37 > 31 > 25 > 23
Good 27-35 30-36 30-37 25-31 21-25 19-23
Above Average 21-27 23-29 22-30 18-24 15-20 13-18
Average 11-20 12-22 10-21 8-17 7-14 5-12
Below average 6-10 7-11 5-9 4-7 3-6 2-4
Poor 2-5 2-6 1-4 1-3 1-2 1
Very Poor 0-1 0-1 0 0 0 0   

* Source: adapted from Golding, et al. (1986). The Y's way to physical fitness (3rd ed.)

In Paris at Midnight

Twilight Zone
I find the concept of time travel fascinating, to be able to venture into the future, back into the past. Movies have milked this theme at least a dozen times, even television has with the series the "Time Tunnel".

I'm not always sure of Woody Allen films but his lastest offering is worth a look, if you're passionate, love art and the city of Paris. I found the characters fascinating and the dialog was smart and witty. People sometimes have an illusion that a life different from theirs would be much better.

We all dream of another place, another life. As of late, I've also had some of those dreams as well...more of an escape from my work world. Sometimes I think our worst enemies are ourselves, we talk ourselves into and out of most things.

Sometimes I think life sends us in different directions only to see how we will react or handle a situation.

Hang on....we're changing directions again!

 Here's the song from the movie..."Bistro Fada."