"We are rich only through what we give, and poor only through what we refuse."

Anne-Sophie Swetchine

Friday, April 22, 2011

Twist from the wrist, from the wrist you must twist!

We are a week away from the most extravagant wedding since Princess Diana and Prince Charles almost 30 years ago. I have to admit I'm a bit of a sucker for royalty and things related to it. I don't need to follow every minute detail but I do like to follow significant events. Despite crisis, mockery and ridicule, the royal family continues to endure and survive with so much elegance and poise. I do admire their tenacity and integrity. We all have our own struggles no matter who we are and where we live.

I think in the last month I've watched three movies that are 'royal' in nature. The academy nominated 'The King's Speech,' was so well done! I'm glad that Colin Firth won the Oscar and many other accolades for his portrayal of King George VI. Then there was also Helen Mirren's flawless performance as Queen Elizabeth II  in "The Queen." The other film I saw was 'Elizabeth' with Cate Blanchett. Extraordinary!

Will you be up at 3 am to catch the broadcast of Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding? I probably won't but I will enjoy to see it. They look like an awesome couple together and I wish them all the blessings from afar!

I will live vicariously through the glut of royal wedding coverage in the following week. So practice your 'royal wave,' from the wrist as Tracey Ullman points out and put on that tiara on April 29th, 2011!

Here is a what we might be expecting from the wedding:  <this makes me smile!> Keep cupping the air!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Life of Inanimate Objects

I don't usually get attached to things, especially inanimate objects. However, I do take very very good care of my things and maybe by doing so I breathe some 'life' into things.

When I sold my first car after 13 years, I remembered turning around as I was walking away and asked the guy who was buying it if he had a garage to keep it in. He smiled and said 'yes, I'll take good care of it, you sure did.' It was just reassuring to know it was going to a good home and was in good hands.

I think that was the first time that I thought about inanimate objects and the 'lives' they lead after me. I know it's really nothing, nothing with feelings, thoughts or connections, but I can't help but wonder about the 'karma' and life it has beyond.

Eye Land
I've sold three cameras recently, the first one to a bartender. I laughed when he said he wanted to negotiate a lower price and pay me in beers at the bar. He was interesting young man full of ambition and energy. He was about to celebrate his 25th birthday and wanted a camera to capture the milestone. I had that camera for over 8 years and it has recorded a few milestones for me as well as experiences from traveling.

I sold the video camera to a woman who was traveling to Winnipeg in a week to visit her ailing brother. She said he was dying from cancer and wanted to get a video camera to record some memories of him. I felt sad for her and her plight ahead.

The Nikon SLR (I had for over 20 years) was just sold to a fashion week photographer a couple of days ago. It was interesting to know that camera would be used and appreciated in another life in another role and yes, maybe traveling around the world. I'm sure each lens will capture more images and memories with it's new owners. I'm happy to let go of these things that have been a part of my life.

In a course I was teaching this week, a guy talked about how difficult it was for him to let go of the past and how he hangs on to everything and felt stuck. I spoke about how we need to evaluate what 'things' are valuable in our lives and to make sure you take time to include them in your life. Let go of some things that don't matter, but things that are important, keep them close.


Thursday, April 7, 2011


Modern Fame
I've always grown up with music around me. The radio was always on in the kitchen. I remember when I was young my parents had a old reel to reel. It wasn't until many years later that I realized how 'cool' it was to have one of those! Lately, I've started watching 'Glee' so I guess I'm a gleek!

I've been known to sing songs to my own versions, yes, sometimes with no sense whatsoever! Especially in my car....alone. But I've discovered I'm not the only one who 'rewrites' tunes.

Do you recognize these songs? Got any others?

"Beat it! Beat it! No one wants to feed the fetus!"
"Killing me softly with his thong..."

Let's pee in the corner, Let's pee in the spotlight.
Who can forgot the inspirational national anthem for this year!

Oh Canada, we stand on cars and freeze...

I used to think that Sting's song was about the fields of Bali...

I've been playing my guitar again lately and was even thinking of selling it and getting another one. It needs a little work but sounds GREAT! After some research on my vintage Yamaha....I thought I better keep it! It's a priceless piece that others want their hands on! So now I'm calling myself a certified 'Yammie!'

Here's a new tune I'm working on. Sting does it justice: