"We are rich only through what we give, and poor only through what we refuse."

Anne-Sophie Swetchine

Monday, January 24, 2011


 I had three chairs in my house: one for solitude, two for friendship, three for society.

Henry David Thoreau

Connecting, reaching out, a sense of community and solid relationships are vital to our survival. Dr. Robert Sapolsky is a professor of Neuroendocrinology at Stanford University. He has also studied wild baboons in the Serengeti of East Africa. His study focuses on what a baboon's dominance rank, social behavior and personality have to do with patterns of stress-related diseases. Why do some bodies and some psyches deal with stress better than others. His studies can be helpful in determining our needs to connect and ability to deal with stress.

A recent Scientific American study finds a decline in empathy among young people. Increasingly, it seems that our society appears to be detached from the rest of the world. I worry about this sense of detachment even though we seem to be more 'connected' through social media. Connected but disconnected. We talk and we don't talk.....say something.

To me it's always about balance, some days I'm better at it than others. The last few weeks, I think I've been running on a hamster wheel. I work on those meaningful moments day to day. We all live hectic busy lives, but remember to breathe in, exhale and enjoy the moment. Find beauty in everything....

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