"We are rich only through what we give, and poor only through what we refuse."

Anne-Sophie Swetchine

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Survival of the Fittest

Maritime Moment
Sometimes I travel to places that definitely feel alien to me. I rarely get that sense in Alberta. This week, I spent a few days up in Fort McMurray and every time I go I see that it is evolving into a place that is certainly unique in Alberta maybe in the world. A couple years back there was an labor shortage, and in response the government opened up immigration to fill positions. People from all corners of the earth have made their way here to make 'easy' money and get out or for others to stay. The car rental guy behind the counter had just arrived from the Philippines two days ago and left his young family behind to make a better life for them.

The population is youthful, ambitious and many are looking for a new opportunities. Unfortunately, the emotional and societal costs will not be known for years to come. Needless to say, the environmental impacts as well.

The local grocery stores also have a maritime foods section, which I've never seen before. It speaks to the number of migrants that have come here and given up lots to make a better life for themselves. It's a familiar story (echoes of my own family history and others as well) that has been repeated thousands of times and will continue to for people looking for a better life.

Available at the ft mc save on foods from Newfoundland the iconic snowball treats!

They have a radio station called KAOS 911! Which sort of describes rush hour during shift changes in the transit town. It was -45 on Friday morning...with wind chill.

Barista Apprentice
When I have time in the morning, I do enjoy a warm mug of latte and have always been appreciative of those beautiful rosettas or a warm heart. I practiced the last couple of days (with a couple too many lattes) but still haven't been able to perfect this temporary art form, that has been described as delicate as casting a rod in fly fishing or the coordination of rubbing your tummy and patting your head! I will continue to labor at this elusive art form!

This one is from a barista from 'transcend' last night. Oh, it was soo pretty!!

Rub Two Sticks Together
Even in this frigid weather, I've been trying to make food interesting and diverse. Here is a Sante Fe Salad idea from D that was refreshing and delish! I added a couple of things to it! Easy to make and good for the belly!

Sante Fe Salad
Sante Fe Salad
can of black beans
Red onions
can of peaches/cream corn
red/orange peppers
lime juice/olive oil/rice wine vinegar
salt/pepper to taste
Stay warm! 

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